Category Archives: Ruby

Luigi Montanez and Ryan Resella: You’ll never believe what powers Upworthy

Upworthy (“Things that matter”)  is an extremely popular Web site, containing video that they the site hopes will go viral, typically on socially conscious topics. (You have probably seen links to Upworthy videos on social networks such as Facebook.) Upworthy is written in Ruby on Rails, and runs on Heroku — but this wasn’t always the case, and the story of how they started, and then grew and scaled, is an interesting one. In this talk, Luigi Montanez and Ryan Resella, two engineers at Upworthy, describe the ways in which Upworthy started, grew, and was scaled, and the problems that they had to solve at each turn.

Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo: JRuby 9000

JRuby is a version of Ruby that runs on the JVM. JRuby has long been praised by Rubyists for its speed and abilities, but its compatibility with the standard (“MRI”) version of Ruby has been somewhat lacking. This talk, by JRuby developers Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo, describes some of the major updates and improvements in the latest version of JRuby, which may convince even more Rubyists to switch.

Tom Stuart: Refactoring Ruby with Monads

Many developers have heard of “monads” over the last few years. Besides asking “what is a monad?”, many of these developers have asked, “Why should I care?” The fact that monads are associated with esoteric, hard-to-understand languages (such as Haskell) only makes it less likely that we’ll learn about them. In this talk, Tom Stuart introduces the idea of Monads using Ruby, and then talks about how to use them to improve our Ruby code.  Slides for a version of this talk are available here.